Thomas Vayda

Thomas Vayda Manager, Risk Management & Insurance

Thomas Vayda joined Johns Hopkins University in September 2023 as the insurance and risk manager focusing on the Health System.  His responsibilities include designing and placement  of casualty, property, managed liability insurance to ensure the Health System is protected against risk.   Day to day he handles insurance applications, manages auto, property, professional and general liability, and cyber claims, reviews contract insurance terms, and collaborates with stakeholders in the Health System to reduce operational risk.

Prior to joining Johns Hopkins Tom worked at Loyola University as the assistant director for insurance and contracts where he was in charge of risk management, insurance, and contract review for the University.   He has also worked at Wexford Science & Technology a national real estate development firm that partners with education institutions to create life science properties containing lab, office, and retail environments.  At Wexford Tom was responsible for asset management, capital projects, and insurance.  Tom started his career working for two national insurance companies handling surety and property claims.

Tom earned a Bachelor of Arts in Government from Franklin and Marshal College and lives in Towson.